Ken finally got a chance to hold Andrea today. Unfortunately, he didn't get to kangaroo her, but he was able to hold her whole tiny body while the nurses changed her bedding. Ken has been an amazingly good sport about letting me have time with Andrea - even at his expense. I've been able to have kangaroo care time every day. Hopefully, Ken will be able to have his turn at that one day this week.
We were told tonight that Andrea may need blood tomorrow. It's been over two weeks since her last transfusion, which is an amazing accomplishment. The nurses will do blood counts in the morning, and if they're low, Andrea will most likely get blood. In order to run the thyroid tests last Friday, they had to take a considerable amount of blood, and her marrow isn't very efficient in making more just yet. So, we'll see what happens.
Andrea was weighed and measured tonight. She's 35 cm (13.8 inches) and 1065 grams (2 pounds, 5.5 ounces). She's grown almost an inch and gained another 10 grams. She is still getting her 19 ml of fortified milk and MCT oil, which really seems to be helping her gain steady weight. She remains at pressure 6 on the CPAP, with oxygen between 25% and 35%.
That's all the news for tonight. We had late visits to the hospital, and I'm too tired for words. I'm sure there are bits of news that I'm forgetting right now, but the most important thing is that Andrea is doing well. Nothing came up that is an additional cause of stress (besides the fact that Andrea is sill less than 2.5 pounds, can't breathe reliably on her own, and is still in NICU). We are grateful for no bad news. If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know my philosophy has always been that all days without bad news are good days. Thankfully, today was another good day. Please keep praying - we cannot stress enough how important all that support is to her and us.
"Do not get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time."
- Galatians 6:9
- Galatians 6:9
We continue to love your posts and updates on Andrea's progress! It's so great to hear how well she's doing! You're doing great!
ReplyDeleteDeb & Scott