The night itself was the most uneventful I've had, probably since I found out I was pregnant. When Andrea was in NICU, even though we knew the nurses were taking care of her, our hearts stopped every time the phone rang. Once Andrea came home, our lives have revolved around the monitors - first the apnea false alarms, then the PulseOx craziness. We've dealt with belts and leads, and Andrea ripping the cannula off her face. Even though Andrea was being monitored during the sleep study, none of the alarms were in our room. So I actually got some sleep for the first time in ages!
Much to my surprise, Andrea slept all night in the hospital. I got up at 4:30, expecting her to be waking soon to eat. Incredibly, she didn't get up until the technician came in to remove the leads. It was the first time ever that she slept all night. Even better, she seems to be continuing the trend since we've been home. Most nights, we get from 10:30 pm (or so) until 6:30 am (or so) before she wakes up. Our concern now is to make sure she eats more during the day to make up for what she's not getting over night.
Everything else in Andrea's world is good. She got her first RSV vaccine last week. RSV is a respiratory illness that all children can get, but preemies are especially at risk, and it can be fatal. The vaccine is not 100% preventative, but rather just makes the illness less severe if Andrea contracts it. She has to be re vaccinated every month through March. Now, we're just waiting for the injectible swine flu vaccine, and then she'll be as covered as she can be.

One of my friends posted a comment to the previous post, remarking on what a miracle Andrea is. I am still amazed that we are where we are now, and that we have been so tremendously lucky. We credit the prayers and support from our family and friends, and all the people with whom you've shared this story. Thank you for your part in the miracle that is Andrea.
Better to lose count while naming your blessings than to lose your blessings to counting your troubles.
Maltbie D. Babcock
A adorable
ReplyDeleteN no appreciable deficiencies
D Daddy's girl
R remarkable
E EEG leads...go away
A Aunt Adrienne loves you!
so what was the official reading of the sleep study? do you still need to continue O2 at night? Kerri
ReplyDeleteWe're still waiting for results from the study. The doctor told us it would be at least a week before we heard anything. Tomorrow marks 7 days, so hopefully we'll hear soon!
any results yet? Arlene