As of 5:29 PM, Andrea, now going by Andie, is celebrating day 5,844 of life. YIKES! These posts are getting shorter for a variety of reasons - a lot of the day to day happenings are just regular life, and not all that momentous anymore. And of course, I'm trying to respect Andie's privacy, and not air every detail all over the internet. Add to that the use of Facebook or Instagram when big things DO happen, and there's a lot less to report in an annual wrap up. Still, I wanted to keep this going until high school graduation, so I'm indulging myself in a little update.
Andie is currently a sophomore in high school, (mostly) enjoying getting to choose the path to follow for education. The big news in 10th grade, at least in NJ, is Driver's Ed in place of Health class. The students prepare for the written test ahead of getting learners' permits. Andie passed the test (not sure if that's a YAY!, or an AHHHHHHH!) and will take "behind the wheel" instruction in the spring. Then Ken will earn his gray hairs by doing ALL the practice driving. He taught both boys (he's a saint), so I'm imposing on him once again.
Other courses this year include Geometry and Chemistry, and Andie is also taking English and US History Humanities. These classes are kind of linked, meaning that if you take one, you have to take the other, and you're with the same students in both classes. The best part is that both classes bring art and music into instruction - propaganda posters when reading Animal Farm, (I think that was 9th grade, actually) and the music of Hamilton in US History, for example. These additional subjects are right up Andie's alley. Pa's artistic genes may have skipped me, but they're present in full force for Andie. Any time an assignment requires a drawing component, it's a win, and there's no doubt about Andie's skill.
Besides the core courses, Andie is taking Italian 2, Chorus and Costume Design. (See, there's that art piece again!) Italian is a passion, (That's the reason for the Italian title) and the whole family is on board, practicing with Duolingo to be able to converse with Andie. Theater has turned out to be a strong interest. Last year it was set design on the stage crew, where Andie painted scenery for Pride and Prejudice and Cinderella. This year, the costume design class is, of course, involved in the clothing for both the fall show, which was CLUE, and the spring musical, The Drowsy Chaperone, coming up in March. One of the best parts about being involved in art, music and theater has been the chance to see professional shows in NYC. This has included two trips to the Metropolitan Opera with the Italian classes and Spam-a-Lot and The Great Gatsby (upcoming) with Chorus and Costume Design.
So, we've muddled through another year. The 15 ounce preemie is doing well and making a path in the world. I anticipate there will be more to report next year, as we begin the "post secondary planning process", as Livingston likes to call it. We don't know what that will mean for Andie - community college, traditional four year school, art program, trade school? It remains to be seen. Regardless of where it all leads, we are proud of Andie's accomplishments. We couldn't even imagine this almost-adult on that overwhelming day 16 years ago.
Thank you for taking the time every year to keep up with us.
"You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want." ~ Johnny Cade, The Outsiders
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