Friday, March 6, 2009

No news is good news in the preemie world.

I am happy to report a completely uneventful day in the life of Andrea. Ken saw her most recently, and all the nurse could report is that she's doing well. We have already learned to dread the bad news, so "nothing to report" is like a ray of sunshine. Andrea had gained 30 grams since birth, which is in itself amazing. All babies LOSE weight after delivery. We believe that she was in such distress while I was pregnant that she is truly better off in NICU than she was in me. We noticed today that she is growing flesh over her bones, most noticeably her rib cage. It's a relief to see her filling out a bit, although it's hard to imagine her as a robust, chunky baby. We have faith that we will see that day, but it's miles down the road.

I was able to leave pictures of the boys today - taped inside the isolette. The Tori & Ken story has made the rounds of NICU (we met on eHarmony over 4 years ago) and of course, the nurses have heard about our boys who are 6 weeks apart in age, and who share the same name. Although Andrea can't see the pictures (her eyes don't focus yet, although she opens them and makes faces) her big brothers are watching over her, and they serve to remind her caregivers that many people love her and can't wait for her to come home. And of course the nurses love seeing the faces of the boys they've heard so much about.

So don't be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time. Matthew 6.34

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful to hear the "no news" line! That's terrific! Keeping your little one in our thoughts and prayers.
    Deb & Scott
